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Beyond organic: less processed food for babies

We have been operating as an organic baby food producer for more than 12 years and have earned the trust of mothers. We always work in close partnership with gastroenterologists and paediatricians to ensure compliance with nutritional and other requirements. For more information on your rights and data processing please read our Privacy Policy. We can also develop and offer new porridge formulas for the local market. Provided data is processed for qoutation purposes. Dzięki specjalnej produkcji skracają czas przygotowania, zachowując cenne składniki odżywcze i witaminy. Agnieszka — 2 października, Useful information. Przekąska Owocowa Żelki — Jabłko-Borówka 30g 4. Private label. This way of preparation helps to retain more vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. They have all been developed in cooperation with gastroenterologists and paediatricians, as well as in compliance with the BRC Food Standard to ensure food safety and quality, and compliant production processes. Get a free product sample. - Produkty premium dla dzieci: Minikoioi, Mimijumi, Mamuko, Drink in the box, Spuni, Tegu.

  • Kasia — 19 grudnia,
  • Agnieszka — 2 października, Oceniono 5 na 5.
  • Anonim zweryfikowany — 19 stycznia, Oceniono 5 na 5, Mamuko.
  • Wide range of high-quality, Mamuko, nutritious baby food products Competitive pricing High-quality customer support Marketing and sales support.
  • About us.

Kaszki Mamuko to idealny wybór dla Mam pragnących wprowadzić naturalne, ekologiczne i wartościowe składniki do diety swoich Dzieci. Dzięki specjalnej produkcji skracają czas przygotowania, zachowując cenne składniki odżywcze i witaminy. Surowce pochodzą z wiarygodnych ekologicznych gospodarstw , co potwierdza certyfikat EU Organic. Kaszki różnią się między sobą składem i konsystencją, co pozwala urozmaicić dietę i dostosować ją do potrzeb malucha. Majka — 16 lutego, Anonim zweryfikowany — 19 stycznia, Agata L. Magdalena zweryfikowany — 3 stycznia, MamaJasia — 28 grudnia, Kaszka łatwa i szybka w przygotowaniu, kilka minut i gotowa. Do kaszki często dodaję ugotowane jabłuszko lub robię na mleku dla urozmaicenia. Ulubiona kaszka mojego dziecka. Klara — 27 grudnia, Kasia — 19 grudnia, Bardzo dobry sklad.

We make it easy for Mamuko to expand your product offering, increase sales and stand out from the competition, while providing your customers with quality products for babies, Mamuko, Mamuko. As society becomes increasingly weary of highly processed foods and comes to recognize the value of slower and more natural products, caring mothers lead the Mamuko. They want their children to have a healthy start in life, Mamuko, nurturing them with high-quality, organic foods, even if they take Mamuko bit more energy to prepare. We created an alternative to instant porridge, showing mothers that cooking porridge the slower way is still very easy and gives plenty of nutritional benefits for their children. We have been operating as an Mamuko baby food producer for more than 12 years and have earned the trust of mothers. We are the most popular and well-recognized organic baby porridge brand in Lithuania, Mamuko. All our grains, fruits and vegetables come from certified organic farms located in the EU. The raw materials we use meet strict EU requirements and are certified for sustainability and Mamuko.

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Mamuko. Produkty premium dla dzieci. Funkcjonalne i bezpieczne.


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Our Mamuko. Durum wheat pasta is not made from flour, but from semolina, and therefore retains more fibre.

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Maco-Mamuko Nitra /Video/ ZGSTUDIO

Author: Kajile

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